Kemora test-day
We have already driven the car in the bench a couple of times to test the mechanical functions but the engine map is to far of the chart to get it right in the bench. Therefore we decided to go to the local race-track, Kemora, for a couple of setup-laps. The car with the current engine-map should have about 400hp. We packed the coach with some tools and the grill and headed for Kemora. The weather was perfect, sunny, warm and there was almost no snow left on the track.

For the first time we got proper engine telemetry or at least the amount we get from the edc16 engine management. This is very interesting but also a completely new thing for us so we have a steep learning curve ahead of us.

We had one big issue we know about heading for the track. After a lift of it seemed the car cut the fuel for a long time and the turbo-lag made the car underivable. Our main goal was to solve this problem. After the first couple of setup-laps we found a couple of leaks on the car that was quickly fixed.

After a couple more laps the water-pump belt broke and we had to get a new one from the closest parts-dealer that wasn’t that “close”. While Wilbert and Pyry went to get the belt we stopped to have a 5-star lunch prepared by our master chef Anton.

Once we got going again the real problems started. The car was stalling for no apparent reason and was difficult to get going again. We wasted a bit of time trying to change the engine-map because we thought that was faulty before we realised to check the logger. We noticed the rail fuel-pressure dropped before the engine stopped. After that we localised the problem to the Fuel flow control valve, it had rusted and wasn’t working properly. Jesse will write more about the fault in his post later. We didn’t have a spare with us and we was already running out of track time so we decided to pack our gear and leave.

We didn’t really get much done yet but we expected the beginning to be difficult and a lot of new things to learn. Tomorrow we’ll publish Jesses post about the modifications to the fuel-system.