Pictures from yesterdays test-runs at Kemora.
Click on a image to see the whole picture.
At the track
Setting up the ramp.
Getting the car out.
The new look. This isn’t gonna be the final result.
Getting the car ready for some action.
But before the track some more pressing issues.
Removing the hood to see how much balck smoke we got.
A lot of cable.
Teemu getting ready.
Jesse setting up the logger.
We are close now.
Anton setting up the grill.
Putting the driver window in place.
Some interviews before track.
Found some leaks after the first spin.
Teemu in a good mood.
Emil as audio man.
Using the call a friend card.
Jesse and Teemu about the car handling.
We wasn’t fastest today…
Limping home.
Fixing the co-driver window.
Going again.
Jesse and Wilbert discussing the telemetry.
Jesse working hard.
Out again.
And in with problems.
Anton & Patrik waiting for the stalled car.
Jesse calling a friend.
Teemu not in a good mood.
Got it going.
Wilbert watching the data.
Jesse figuring out the problems.
Guess who picked the color…
Reading the telemetry.
The engine.
Last spin for the day before the track closes.
Good luck bro..