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The drifting car turns, GOT LOCK?

First things first, before thinking of anything else, the car will have to turn enough, Teemu got this thing figured out pretty well already as you can see (:


the w203 has quite interesting setup for the wheelhub and the control arms, the hub itself turns around two points instead of one. This had to be modified so the wheelhub only turns around one point to get a big enough steering angle.



All control arms will be manufactured in steel and they’ll also have a 60mm adjustment capability. But as you see, there should be no problem reaching something like  60-65 degrees of lock.


The rear axle (toyota aristo) is also in place and there’s only a few small things to do there yet. The front end of the rear axle fitted almost too well, nothing to do there but screw the nuts on, yes, the rear axle fitted almost perfectly from a toyota aristo! It sits nice and pretty!


The coilovers should arrive sometime next week 🙂


We’ll soon start working on the rollcage, probably next week and the car will also be equipped with some brand new H&R coilovers.

The cooling system will be placed as on the following pictures, both for sake of weight and the fact that it just will not fit in the engine bay.

w203-11For the rollcage-work we got a friend who’s made them before and who certainly will do a good job 🙂 All the pictures are taken with Teemus phone, we apologise for that. Stay tuned for the next update!



  1. So will the w123 be decommissioned, or..?

    Regardless, love work your doing. Its very motivating & inspiring for me.

    Keep it up! And thanks

  2. i’m thinking of a rear suspension swap in a car closely related to w123. Actually to drop a w210 suspension with subframe in a w126. As you surely know w210 irs is more or less similar in dimensions and geometry to aristo’s. It s not the trouble to relocate springs and shocks mount, but upper control arms are contradicting with longerons (not sure for the word in english, i mean frame members longitudinal to car body) and as it is structural component, i don’t know how to reshape em. most likely you had a similar problem with aristo’s irs. can you please send some photos of w123 rear suspension and body mods you’ve made to fit it in?

    thanks a lot in advance!
    Best wishes

  3. Hello mate .. I have a w202 and im setting it up for drifting .. I want to get more steering angle .. can I have a detailed to do list?

  4. good day. would you guys put together a complete steering angle kit for the W203 to sell??? if so what is the price?

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