OM606 Cylinder head

TGIF right? This week has been quite hectic for the whole team, I have been seeking sponsors like a maniac and Joni has been updating the website (if you haven’t noticed, PLEASE NOTICE :D). Teemu has been working on the steering and helping out Ville Herlevi as he has been working on the OM606 Cylinder head, on the picture you see him honing the valve seatings. The engine block is done and just waiting for the cylinder head.
This is a fairly precise thing and we’re glad that we have Ville for doing this kind of work. Ville has been working with engines and cylinder heads in particular his whole career as a mechanic and therefore we have a lot of faith in his work. Also, as the picture might tell you, Ville has access to the proper tools which further aids the work he do.
The OM606 with its 24 valves is a excellent piece of engineering and it’s a very good, and optimised cylinder head to start from. Our OM606 Cylinder head will be ported, filled and adjusted in many ways, all this to make it produce more power and manage the huge pressure it will be driven on. If you have any more questions about it we’re happy to answer.

Teemu recently bought a new daily drive and this one has also got a bit of treatment this week. A daily drive should according to us look very good but also be very drivable, this car sure get a lot more kilometers than the drifting vehicle. Driving a E-Class 300 turbodiesel might be the best choice one can make if one have the possibility to choose. The road conditions in Finland doesn’t allow much more stanced cars than this, but you got to admit, it looks pretty good. 🙂 (please comment! 😉
Further this is a perfect car for Teemu as the engine would go right into the bay of the drifter if it against all odds should break down :DD Lets hope Teemu get to keep his everyday car as it is and not have to rip it apart :DD