BSR reports back from DHB
We are currently driving back from the DHB event in Denmark and can finally update you about the events. We thought we would be able to update live from the event but so many people in one place seemed to crash the mobile-broadband we got from MB-Specialist. We got a lot of action on the way over to Vandel with one tire change in Turku, the side-door on the sprinter broke in Södertälje, the sprinter got into safe-mode which resulted in a speed about 30km/h in the uphills and also a bearing on the trailer broke which set us back about 5 hours in Odense, Denmark when we had to find a new one. Luckily we got a lot of time and arrived in time.

When we got to Vandel, Martin from Vmax was welcoming us and showed us the great Pit-place he had fixed to us. There was no practice on Friday but Teemu was did a couple of burnouts in the burnout zone. The guys from MB-Specialist brought over the tent they had borrowed us and we spent the night with them doing some more burnouts.

On Friday the practices started early and Teemu, Ville and Jupe begun to set up the car. Ville our gearbox-specialist and his friend Jarmo also showed up to help out. The Achilles tires Teemu bought had a bit too much traction on this track so we changed to the eco-tops from last year on which the car run really nice. We didn’t have to many of the eco-tops but we where able to by more tires from Martin. Before the qualification started we also got some mystical fuel-distribution error.
The mechanics got the problems solved and Teemu went to the Qualifications to make a first “safe” run. The first run finally gave Teemu the second place as the track-crew messed up the second one by letting Teemu out while the clipping point still was being repaired in the middle of the track. After doing a flat out entry to the first curve and panic braking once seeing the track-crew the tires where a bit too worn out to get a decent third try. Even so the result was a second place in the qualifications and the fastest entry with 136km/h. In the evening we met up with more of the MB-specialist guys, they showed to be really nice guys and we where again having a lot of fun with them.

On Sunday it was time for the Knockouts which went really well for Teemu, who said the car was so good to drive that he could have called his mom in middle of the track while drifting. Finally Teemu lost the victory on a really messed up first run in the finals where both cars had to stop after a slight knock. We thought the first run would result in no advantage for either driver and that Teemu would win after a amazing second run where the advantage clearly would have gone to Teemu. The judges however didn’t se the knock and thought Teemu had spun giving the advantage to the German even though he also killed all speed and straightened. So we had to settle for a second place but that’s also good start for the new car. We are now confident with the car and know a bit more about how the tires works on it and it will be a great fun to go to Gardemoen next Weekend and show you how it can go.

More pictures will soon be posted
I really look forward to see you on Gardermoen!
I’ll be driving Geländewagen with OM606 and 7mm pump, but no drifting 😛
Congratulations for the god start of the season!
nice w123 great drifter keep your skills higher congrats…but the paintjob is alittel bit not cool doesn’t matter thats my opinion 😀