1. Hey,

    I think you guys are pretty much kick ass. I love W123s. I’ve got a Euro 81 300TD (nothing special to you Fins) but here in the states they’re not so common. I love watching your videos. Good luck next season! Keep racing and keep winning!

  2. hello, I’m very curious to know how many horses does this machine and what is the maximum speed.

    you are great! 🙂

    ciao, sono molto curioso di sapere quanti cavalli fa questa macchina e qual’è il regime massimo.

    siete grandi!!! 🙂

    1. excuse not maximum speed, i mean max rpm engine.
      i’m sorry for my english 🙂

      1. We don’t know the horsepower it could bee anything between 350 and 500. The top speed is also unknown but it sure is enough for drifting 🙂

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